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Developing versatile measurement systems

Unleash your experimental creativity

The best way to automate your experiments

No more time-consuming, manual, device-by-device testing
Queue up tests
Our intuitive software permits a high degree of automation, allowing a schedule of experiments to be defined, placed in a queue, and allowed to run automatically with options for remote monitoring, adjustment, and control.
Automate experiments
Not only does our system permit the definition of a wide range of expiriments that can be run on a single device in an automated manner, but multiplexing capabilities also allow many devices to be tested in series or parallel without the requirement of user interaction during the tests.
Visualize results
The Versametrics software package provides a wide range of built-in plotting capabilities, producing publication-ready plots that are highly customizable. The data visualization features enable the rapid interpretation of experimental results both during and after each experiment. These data visualization tools are in addition to the built-in data cataloguing and export features, as well as a Python API in progress.

How it works

1. Create the samples you would like to test so that they are compatible with one of our standard pad layouts

2. Make electrical connections between your sample and one of our measurement platforms by either mounting your sample into one of our chip carriers or using one of our probe card interfaces

3. Enter experiment procedures into the Versametrics software application

4. Queue up experiments to run over time or across each of the devices on your sample

5. Let automation take care of running through all the experiments in your queue

6. Use the Versametrics software to view, save, plot, analyze, or export your data

Versametrics is a measurement company seeking to accelerate electronic device and sensor development
With the power of Versametrics measurement systems you will save time and make more robust discoveries
Interested? Let us know!

We are launching beta products a few at a time. If you want to be one of the first users or evaluators of Versametrics products please contact us and we will get back to you to discuss. Let us know how Versametrics can help you!
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